2010 - Athens
Architecture of Integration - lapa studio - EPFL
Lea Serikoff/Davide DiCapua/Elena Nunez/Isabel Stella/Martina Vesik
In the course Architecture of integration, we analyzed the city of Athens on many different levels, coming up with Urban Strategies and Urban Constitutions. The main conclusions concerning “Area B” which our group was working with, was the big diversity between gentrified areas and streets with brothels and drugs, new-built cultural centers and 46% abandoned/vacant plots, children playing at the streets and streets full of cars.
The different neighbourhoods felt disconnected to each other and to the city center due to roads with high traffic and big railway tracks. The neighbourhoods were in many parts distinguished due to their limits, but there could still be a lack of a limit between two very different areas with a distinct atmospheres.
1. Accentuate the characteristics of each “village”
2. Emphasize attraction points in each village
3. Minimize or accentuate limits